Wave room


Întregul concept al pensiunii are rolul de a simplifica lucrurile pentru a ajunge la esențial.

26  m²



Own bathroom with a shower stall

Parking lot

Communal lounge


Double bed




Towels and toiletries

Non-smoking rooms


Shared kitchen


Tourist info

Business facilities (photocopier and scanner)

The story of the WAVE bedroom starts with a wave of water. As Isaac Newton said, “What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean.” The mirror – aptly titled “Prince Charming of the Tear” – suggests the drop that changes our perceptions.

The wardrobe features sculpted waves and a sun and expresses the rhythm and movement of water. The pattern is borrowed from the door trim of a church in Băița. The symbols on the wardrobe are also found on the bed, table and door. Waves that are repeated at an equal pace signify breathing, the beat of one’s heart, flow, and the ebb of moments throughout history.

The WAVE chair features wolf fangs, which ward off evil according to folk legends, while the waves sewn in blue carry you through the present time. Waves can often be confused with wolf fangs. When joined, they form the column – eternity, the connection of sky and land – which is also present on one of the nightstands.

The entire concept behind the boarding house is intended to simplify things and reach what is essential.

WAVE room – 27 m2

Located on the upper floor

Furniture and concept: ȘEZI

Joinery: Wooden Doors Internațional

Dulapul val

Dulapul este sculptat, cu valuri și soare, exprimând ritm și mișcarea apei. Modelul este preluat de pe ancadramentul ușii de intrare într-o biserică din Băița. Simbolurile de pe dulap sunt repetate pe pat, măsuță și ușă. Valurile mereu reluate, într-un ritm egal, înseamnă respirare, puls, curgere, rostogolire a clipelor prin istorie.
