The entire concept of the guesthouse is to simplify things to get to the essentials.
26 m²
Own bathroom with a shower stall
Parking lot
Communal lounge
Double bed
Towels and toiletries
Non-smoking rooms
Shared kitchen
Tourist info
Business facilities (photocopier and scanner)
Folk tradition says that the sun was created when man realized his loneliness and became afraid of it. The sun symbolizes the source of life. It perishes with every sunset, only to be reborn in the morning.
SUN room – 26.5 m2
Located on the upper floor
Furniture and concept: ȘEZI
Joinery: Wooden Doors Internațional
The cabinet is carved with waves and sun, expressing the rhythm and movement of water. The model is taken from the frame of the entrance door to a church in Baița. The symbols on the wardrobe are repeated on the bed, side table and door. The waves always repeated, in an equal rhythm, mean breathing, pulse, flow, rolling of moments through history.
The Potters' Manor invites you to be enchanted by the beauty of the county where the sculptor Constantin Brâncusi was born, to be part of our story and to create some of the most beautiful memories here.
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