
Experiences at Baia de Fier


Culinary experience

Pastramă de oaie pe boate de alun – minim 12 persoane

We discover the mountain

Off-road trip (includes lunch at the barn/picnic on the mountain);


Picnic in nature, away from everyday worries, with local products. Everything is ready, you just have to enjoy this day and the presence of your loved ones.

"La Hammock" experience

Cele 13 trasee au ca destinație cele mai frumoase locuri din Baia de Fier, iar hamacele între stânci sunt o experiență unică.

Traseu Via Ferrata + hamace (Include închirierea echipamentului)


Learning and relaxing experience at the Potters' Mansion. The workshop can be on various themes, depending on your wishes (clay modeling, painting, jewelry, dance, cooking, etc.). The workshop is held for a group of at least 5 people and all the necessary materials are included.

Culinary experience

Chef Cristian Șorop cooks for you! He has participated in famous cooking competitions and prepares delicious dishes in which, in addition to quality ingredients, he puts love and many stories.


Mountain ATV experience

ATV trips on mountain trails are an experience not to be missed. The most famous route is Rânca - Petrimanu - Cheile Oltețului - Curmătura Oltețului, with the destination Transalpina - King's Road.


Baia de Fier has countless options for spending free time on the mountain, being extremely many climbing routes, hiking to Rânca, the Șura karst phenomenon or the Cheile Galbenului and Oltețului. 


Picnic in nature, away from everyday worries, with local products. Everything is ready, you just have to enjoy this day and the presence of your loved ones.

"La Hammock" experience

Traseu Via Ferrata + hamace (Include închirierea echipamentului)


Culinary experience

Pastramă de oaie pe boate de alun – minim 12 persoane

We discover the mountain

Off-road trip (includes lunch at the barn/picnic on the mountain);


Picnic in nature, away from everyday worries, with local products. Everything is ready, you just have to enjoy this day and the presence of your loved ones.

"La Hammock" experience

The 13 routes have as their destination the most beautiful places in Baia de Fier, and the hammocks between the rocks are a unique experience. Via Ferrata route + hammocks (Includes equipment rental)


Experiență de învățare și relaxare la Conacul Olarilor. Atelierul poate fi pe diverse teme, în funcție de dorințe (modelare lut, pictură, bijuterii, dans, gătit, etc). Atelierul este desfășurat pentru un grup de minim 10 persoane și sunt incluse toate materialele necesare.

Culinary experience

Chef Cristian Șorop cooks for you! He has participated in famous cooking competitions and prepares delicious dishes in which, in addition to quality ingredients, he puts love and many stories.


Mountain ATV experience

ATV trips on mountain trails are an experience not to be missed. The most famous route is Rânca - Petrimanu - Cheile Oltețului - Curmătura Oltețului, with the destination Transalpina - King's Road.


Baia de Fier has countless options for spending free time on the mountain, being extremely many climbing routes, hiking to Rânca, the Șura karst phenomenon or the Cheile Galbenului and Oltețului. 
